Monday, August 16, 2010

first ramblings of a madwoman

I have chosen to write a blog. My continuing need for greatness has prompted me to allow myself to be seen by the world, at my best, and worst. I will most likely have many grammatical errors in my blogs to come (including this one) and in all likelihood I will spell a word of two wrong. BUT this is my place. A place I can express what I am feeling. This is usually where the "reader beware" disclaimer should be placed. Maybe it should have been the name of my blog. Who knows. I will only advertise this to my closest friends, and if anyone else should stumble upon it, oh well. I am not NEW to blogging. I have done so when myspace was still cool and then again a couple of times on facebook. (FB is still cool FYI)

I am in my 30's and still trying to figure it all out. I have two kids and can't seem to point them in the right direction, due to the fact that I am not sure which direction is right. Happiness to me means so many different things. Figuring out what is important to me is probably a good step. I have accomplished that step but the levels of importance differs daily, though my family's importance to me never wavers. I suppose I should just be glad to have finally "bitten the bullet" and committed to a blog. Which brings a whole other set of issues I have with commitment. Seeing things through. If I have control of something I tend to NOT see it through to the end. Another of the endless flaws I work on daily.

So this blog will have so many different aspects of my life. Jesus (I love me some Jesus), my children (who are genetically awesome), my husband (love me some husband), my family, friends and of course my own personal issues as I try to sift through them. I have to warn you my issues are numerous and at time neurotic. So buckle and enjoy the ride!

Well that is it for now. I am not apologizing for the ramblings, as this is the purpose.

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