Friday, August 20, 2010

who I am

who am I
really who am I
Am I merely a mother, wife, daughter
Do I have substance
Do I contain the compassion that I wish to give
Do I give the benefit of the doubt when it is not earned
Do I have the drive to actually finish the book
When I am alone, why do I yearn for my kids,
When they are with me, why do I crave solitude
Why am I constantly seeking approval
Why do I act as if I dont care what people think, when in all actuality it is what I think about most often
Why do I think my smile is the only thing attractive about me
Why do I wish for greatness but never do anything to achieve it
Is there sincerity in my prayers
Is there cleverness in my jokes
How do I know where I want to be if I dont know where I am going
How do I find out where I am going if I dont know where I want to go
How do I forgive someone who is not sorry for the wrongs they have done
Are my children going to ever think of me as a friend
Are my parents and husband proud of me

Will I ever be able to accept myself for who I really am?

These are the things that I most often think about. Kind of crazy but that is who I am...crazy, mixed up but totally happy.

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