Thursday, September 9, 2010

Don't make me pull this car over!

sitting here, with earbuds in (note to self : must get skull candy) listening to my excellent playlist. wishing deron were home, but appreciating the sacrifices he makes every month. Life is pretty good. I wish everyone had the privilege of experiencing a quarter of the contentment I am feeling at this exact moment.

The grass has always seemed greener on the other side. I do have to grass is pretty darn green right now. I learned a long time ago that God will not move you to where you want to be until you are content with where He has you right now. Even if that place does not seem ideal. Have I always lived this? Well NO! But I believe it.

I do look forward to what God has in store for me next. I love adventure and this life has been a pretty fun adventure thus far. I can feel change coming though....not sure why....but I welcome change even though I love my life right now. Even with all the struggles I deal with emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually.......I do love my life. (that last sentence makes me look a little wackadoodle). Are there things I wish weren't reality? Sure...I have loved ones that are hurting. I have friends who are hurting. On many levels I am hurting......though I am learning to let all of those things go and let God deal with them. But we have to look at our lives, and understand that we are where we are for a reason. Mainly our choices, but God knew we would make those choices and so circumstances are the way they are because God allowed them for a reason. Understand that and learn from those circumstances and be ready for when God moves you from where you are.

I am glad I am where I am. I have learned alot in the last year. I have learned that no matter what, your friends are not always as loyal as you are. I have learned that some people are not meant to be your friends and I have to stop trying to make them my friends, I have learned that my children will continue to amaze you beyond what I believe. I have learned to lean on God more. I have learned that I am more vulnerable than I thought. But most of all, I have learned that where I am, what I am experiencing is part of my journey, part of the path that God has me on. I have paused, stopped, and complained alot.....and He wouldn't let me continue until I was ready to accept where I was, and deal with it. Much like riding in the car with my parents when i was a child. If I acted up, my dad was quick to pull over and not MOVE until I acted right. God sometimes has to pull our lives over and wait til we decide to act right.

Well, my playlist is almost over, and it is getting late. Take from this blog whatever you can.....mainly rambling but my point is...I am happy where I am and know that where ever I end up, God will be in control. Will He have to pull me over to get me to straighten up? probably.......but that's life!  Just trust Him.....that is what I have to tell myself daily!

Life is good.......

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