Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall into Autumn

Fall. Autumn. Harvest moon. Yes my favorite time of the year. I love the cool breezes (though I must say its a gamble whether or not we will have cool breezes in Louisiana). This week has been wonderful. I have missed the leavea falling, the crispness in the air, the need for a hoodie and the ability to wear jeans and a t-shirt without burning up. I suppose I am looking forward to the cooler temps because this summer was almost imbearable. Hot is not the word for the summer we had. I was thankful when the temperature dropped into the 90's! Hot, sticky, nasty summer.

How I loathe hot weather. It takes me forever to cool off, but when I am cold, I can warm up rather easily. This is why Fall is perfect for me. I do love a good bonfire with good friends. I love hayrides. I LOVE halloween. I always secretly wished we lived in New Hampshire in one of those colonial towns where the sidewalks were full of trick or treaters and the houses all looked quaint with their spooks and goblins for decor. Basicly every candy commercial that airs at Halloween. I still cant wait to drive my kids down to wedgewood (the halloween mecca for trick or treaters in Ruston) and let my kids run from house to house gathering all the candy they can carry. Sure they never eat it all and I end up throwing out most of it. But they love it and I love it.......I remember when my neighborhood was big on trick or treating. There was always that one house that handed out McDonald's coupons of which my parents never let us redeem. Or the house that made homemade popcorn balls. Yuck. I would lick them and throw them away.

The reason I love this new season has always escaped me. I have tried to rationalize it. Because of the candy, the weather, the landscapes........but honestly I think its a combination of those things. Some of my happiest memories growing up were in the fall months. Everyone was in a good mood, happy to have summer over with and ready for thanksgiving and Christmas. Sure Christmas was huge in my household, still is for that matter, but Thanksgiving was when my family really got together and had a great time. Actually, Thanksgiving will most likely be my new favorite holiday. Last Thanksgiving was the last time I saw my uncle really happy, healthy (well healthier than he would become). He laughed and joked and really had a great time. He was with us on Christmas but his health was speedily declining and even he knew it wouldnt be much longer (he passed away Feb 1 of this year).  So thanksgiving was always and will always be a great time and of course it happens to be in my favorite time of year!

I suppose I need to end this now. I didnt really know what I would be writing about today. I have alot on my mind and needed to just get SOME words out......not really anything specific....just a creative release. I think I might go out on my porch and enjoy the 66 degrees that are gracing us. Maybe I can even convince deron to sit on the steps with me and gaze at the stars........well it never hurts to ask (though I am almost 100% sure his response will not be as romantic as I would hope). Enjoy your fall guys, enjoy your tomorrow. The newness that tomorrow brings is a blessing that needs to be embraced, enjoyed and made into memories. I will be making memories tomorrow.....I hope you do as well!

PS football just got turned on so I am thinking no porch sitting for deron and I. I do enjoy a good football game but that is ONE thing about fall that I might could live without! Well maybe not when the Bearcats are playing!

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